Coldness and deception

Disbelief consumes this life
through fear it hides...
all needs
and all emotions.
And even if it's basic understanding knows...
knows the truth, the truth that...
feelings such as these are it's very sustenance
it's very motivation
it's one and only reason for existence,
But even then,
behind the shadow of realization
it disbelieves, it hides, most of all it fears...
and with a single stroke it hides,
it hides in anonymity
it cloaks all feelings in proximity
it casts a lie, a lie in self-defense.
Even when it knows...
when it knows this lie to be,
like the coldness of deception...
like the killer...
of the soul
like the jailer...
of emotion
like the sailor
the sailor of an empty sea
traveling to nowhere
where in lowliness he fears to try...
he scares to try, in fear...
in fear of, happiness not waiting at the port
in fear to find the end of hope
the end of dream...
and with a single cry
he turns, he turns from, might have been...
to the contentment of his dreams illussioned
keeping him content and never sad...
but never happy...

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